Virtuality in the training of Peruvian nurses: Cross-sectional study on stress levels




Stress, Nursing, Pandemic, COVID-19


The training of nurses supported by virtuality forced students and teachers to continue training in a new environment, a situation that generated stress; The objective was to determine the level of academic stress of nursing students at the beginning and at the end of university training supported by virtuality at a Peruvian university. Its methodology was quantitative and descriptive, with a non-experimental and longitudinal design. The population was 259 nursing students, to whom the survey technique called “SISCO SV EA Inventory in the context of the COVID-19 crisis” was applied. Among the results, it stands out that the students' academic stress level shows that at the beginning of university training, 15.2% had a mild level of stress, 32.9% a moderate level and 51.9% a strong level of stress, while at the end of the training 100% of the students presented a strong level of stress. In conclusion, there is a significant increase in academic stress levels as one advances in university education. It is important to implement effective stress management strategies from the early stages of nursing training to promote student well-being of students who studied during the health crisis.


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How to Cite

Gálvez-Díaz N del C, Sarmiento-Zapata MJ, Montenegro-Camacho LA, Gálvez-Díaz S del C. Virtuality in the training of Peruvian nurses: Cross-sectional study on stress levels. REE [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];19(1):60-74. Available from:

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