Crisis Tirotóxica. La importancia de la valoración clínica




crisis tirotóxica, hipertiroidismo, tirotoxicosis


The thyrotoxic crisis is a rare pathology that occurs in patients with hyperthyroidism, it is a medical emergency that can affect various organs due to the toxic effects of excess thyroid hormones.  Burch and Wartofsky scales can be used for diagnostic support in addition to thyroid hormone levels, markers of liver, heart, and kidney function, electrocardiogram, thyroid ultrasound, as a complement to it. Thyroid storm has a high mortality rate, and patients must receive aggressive treatment to manage complications and restore normal thyroid function.


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How to Cite

Crisis Tirotóxica. La importancia de la valoración clínica. (2024). Revista Eugenio Espejo, 18(2), 104-113.

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