Fear of the dentist in children under 5 years old
Dentistry, Anxiety, Fear, ChildAbstract
Dental anxiety in children is related to the oral health of adults. A descriptive, cross-sectional study with a mixed approach was carried out during January to December 2016. We worked with the entire population, consisting of children under five years of age, of both sexes (20 individuals) during the period of study went to the stomatological attention consultations in the Medical-Dental Dispensary of Marcopamba, in the province of Bolivar, Ecuador. Through informed consent, parental approval was obtained for their children to participate in the study. A data collection form was created, which allowed to explore the frequency of assistance to the dentist, the reasons for consultations and the realization of the tooth brushing technique. To determine the presence of dental anxiety and fear, the Modified Corah Dental Anxiety Scale was used, which validates Cronbach's alpha reliability index of 0.86 and a certain validity as acceptable. Attendance to dental consultation predominated due to the presence of dental pain. The entire study population reported not doing tooth brushing four times a day. The clinical classification of very anxious and restless was predominant among the participating individuals, which suggests the need to establish strategies for the promotion of oral health and prevention of oral diseases, to reduce factors that cause fear and fear to the dentist.
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