Parents' willingness to vaccinate children under 11 against COVID-19 in southern Peru




niños, vacunación, inmunización, progenitores


The objective of this research was to determine the willingness of parents to vaccinate their children under 11 years of age against COVID-19 in a high Andean area of Peru. It is a descriptive study in 505 parents belonging to the high Andean zone of Peru, it was developed with a non-probabilistic intentional sampling. The data were collected using the questionnaire of Intention to vaccinate young children against COVID-19 of Hung et al. which consists of 4 items and 3 response options. It was found that 52.7 % (n=266) are not willing to vaccinate their children, 20.8 % (n=105) neither agree nor disagree, responded neutrally and 26.5 % (n=134) if they agree to vaccinate their children, furthermore, in terms of educational level with secondary and higher education show a greater willingness compared to respondents with primary education, Catholic parents show a greater willingness the 41-50 years age group seems to have a greater willingness to vaccinate their children compared to the other groups. The findings show that there is a significant percentage of respondents showed a predisposition against vaccination. 


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How to Cite

Saavedra Cauna E, Apaza Pilco CS, Puño-Quispe L. Parents’ willingness to vaccinate children under 11 against COVID-19 in southern Peru. REE [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];18(3):29-43. Available from:

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