Authors guide


The different sections of RRE may include:


It is the responsibility of the chief editors or invited editors, it can contain up to 500 words.

Original research

They should be original and be related to the experimental, conceptual, or empirical research including critical analyses that reinforce the health sciences field. The research texts should include up to 5000 words from the introduction to the conclusions. This kind of article should include the following sections: informative page, abstract (It should contain up to 250 words and three or five keywords), introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, funding, acknowledgment, conflict of interests, declaration of contribution, and references (download the template here).

These articles will be chosen for each publication from the proposals submitted by the researchers spontaneously or from a public call made by the chief editors.

Systematic Reviews or Meta-analysis

They must be texts based exclusively on secondary resources, which follow methods of analysis theoretically recognized, thematic, or of the free themes. They can contain up to 7000 words and 4 authors. They should contain the following sections: informative page, abstract with up to 150 words, and keywords (download the template here).

Case report

They should contain up to 4000 words and the following sections: informative page, abstract up to 150 words and keywords, introduction, presentation of the case, discussion, conclusion, conflict of interests, contributions, and references (download the template here).

Opinion articles

Their text expresses the qualified position of the authors regarding topics of interest in the area of REE. They should contain up to 2000 words and their sections are the same as the systematic review manuscripts.

Brief communications

It is a critical analysis of the selected books in the Health Sciences field published in the last two years. The manuscript should contain up to 350 words in no more than two paragraphs written clearly and concisely. In the review, authors must include at the beginning of the text the complete reference of the book and as an annex a high-definition copy of the book’s cover in a JPG format.

Letters to the editor

They must include appraisals or/and criticisms about REE publications or brief communications in relation to the ongoing original research or meaningful professional experiences in the Health Sciences field (up to 350 words).

General structures of articles

  1. The texts must be written in Spanish and the keywords have to coincide with the ones contained in the Health Sciences Descriptors, which acronym is DeCS, catalog, which is on the website:
  2. The manuscripts must be digitalized with 1.5 spacing in Times New Roman font, size 12 and 2.5 cm margins in a word format.
  3. Footnotes page or at the end of the articles are not accepted.
  4. The use of abbreviations must be according to the ones adopted and recognized in the specialized disciplines. They should not be written in the title and in the resume. The complete designation of the abbreviation must be specified the first time that is written in the article.
  5. The submitted articles must include an informative page followed by the text in the format established according to the typology of the publication.
  6. The tables must be up to 5 including images. They must be submitted in an editable format and not as images and have to be located in the appropriate place in the text and numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. The data presented in the tables and pictures must not be a duplication of the results described in other parts of the article. Avoid the use of vertical lines, use horizontal simple lines, they must be introduced by a descriptive title, notes, or legend with enough information for its comprehension. The column heading should be explicative and when necessary, refer to measure units. The table footnotes must be located under the table and written in bold. The heading of the table must be written like this: Table #, where the symbol # has to be replaced by the consecutive corresponding number.
  7. The images used in diagrams, charts, drawings, pictures, chemical structures, and more on must be referred as figures inside the text, being numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text body in this way: Figure #, where the symbol # has to be replaced by the consecutive corresponding number. When a figure consists of several images, this must be identified with its corresponding number and a consecutive capital letter, for example, Figure 1A, Figure 1B, etc. The figure size must be of 8.7 mm in width (one column) or between 10.5 y 18 cm in width (two columns) in high definition. When necessary, specifications in relation to the structure or property of interest for the work are presented by a superimposed arrow to indicate it. The letter size must be between 6 and 12 units. In the charts, it is recommended to include the indicators that show differences or similarities and the corresponding analyses names and statistics symbols in the legend.
  • Specific instructions for each section:

The submitted files should follow the established format for each article typology detailed in section ll, the general guidelines in the preparation of the manuscript, and the following specifications.

  1. Informative page

The article title must have up to 15 words, complete names and surnames of the authors mentioned according to their contribution detailing their affiliation to an institution or institutions where they work. Finally, it must be included the country and city where those institutions are located.

  1. General content
  • Abstract: it should be concise, auto explicative, and written in one paragraph with the extension corresponding to the typology of the article submitted. In this section is where the research proposal, the fundamental elements of the methodological design, main results, and conclusions must be detailed briefly. References and non-common abbreviations must be avoided.
  • Keywords: they must be written after the abstract (up to 5) and avoid general terms and abbreviations, only those ones established in the field are accepted. As keywords are used for indexing purposes, they have to coincide with the ones including on the DeCS catalog. Check this link out:
  • Introduction: the authors must consider the state of the art about the research avoiding bibliographic review of results obtained from other empirical studies. In addition, the research objectives, the importance, originality, and contribution to new knowledge in the field studied must be exposed.
  • Material and methods: the authors should provide a detailed description of the methods and processes used throughout the study, elements referred to as the population, sample, technics, and materials. Also, the ethical consideration taken into account along the scientific research must be included in this paragraph such as principles, consents, authorizations, certifications, and others alike. A special emphasis is made on studies based on human beings, in which the authors must have a Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) certificate. If necessary, the study should be register in the National Agency for Regulation, Control and Sanitary Vigilance (ARCSA), in the Ministry of Public Health Ecuador or in the WHO clinical trials registry platform.
  • Methods (systematic reviews): the type of bibliographic review must be mentioned, criteria for the selection of sources (typology, publication period, methodological characteristics of research, and so on), search strategy (websites or academic research databases, languages in which the research was carried out, keywords used) information processing strategy (organization for reviewing documents, programs used). Citing must be considered when necessary.
  • Results and discussion: they can be presented in separated sections or mixed in one section. The results must be shown in a clear and concise way by using tables and figures. The discussion must be concise including a comparison between the results and the data exposed in previous publications without repeating the obtained values. The authors must explain the observed results. The data must be accompanied by the appropriate statistical analyses, including the complete sample information, the replication, and how the statistical method applied was chosen avoiding extended quotations, published literature discussion, and conjectures in relation to the obtained data.
  • Conclusions: the main conclusions of the study must be shown in this section in a summarized way.
  • Funding: the authors must highlight, when applicable, the funding resources which supported the research doing.
  • Acknowledgement: in this section, the authors must include those people who helped throughout the research, as an example, in the methodological design, the carried out of a particular test, in the writing or critical review assistances. The authors are responsible for the obtention of the authorization of the people referred to in the article. REE is not responsible for any reclamation in this section.
  • Conflict of interests: the involvement of any institution in the execution of the research at any stage o moment must be mentioned for recognition and responsibility proposes making authors respect contracts, agreements, and compromises that morally and legally oblige them to make the corresponding recognition to those institutions involved.
  • The contribution declaration: the authors’ individual contributions in the realization of the article must be specified, e.g. LM Fernández worked in the conception of the final redaction, CM Rodríguez in the collection of data and in the methodology design.
  • References: they should be cited following the Vancouver style referencing, which can be checked in the following link It is recommended that at least 50% of these references accomplish the current criteria: books published up to 10 years, scientific articles published up to 5 years, and existing information on recognized official websites. The number of cited books must not exceed 15% of the total references and the number of recognized websites must not exceed 5% of the references. Some examples of used references are detailed below.


  • Author/authors. Volume. Edition. Publication place. Editorial; year.
  • Laín Entralgo P. Historia de la medicina. Barcelona: Ediciones científicas y técnicas; 1998.
  • Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, Loscalzo J, editors. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine. Vol 1. 17th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2008.
  • Longo DL, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Jameson JL, Loscalzo J, editores. Harrison principios de medicina interna. Vol 2. 18a ed. México: McGraw‐Hill; 2012.

Book chapter

  • Chapter autor/authors. Chapter title. In: literary Director/ Coordinator/Editor of the book. Book title. Edition. Publication place. Editorial; year. Initial chapter page-final chapter page.
  • Rader DJ, Hobbs HH. Trastornos del metabolismo de las lipoproteínas. En: Barnes PJ. Longo DL, Fauci AS, et al, editores. Harrison principios de medicina interna. Vol 2. 18a ed. México: McGraw‐Hill; 2012. p. 3145‐3153

Journal article

  • Article authors, up to 6 authors et al. Article title. Journal abbreviation. Year: Volume (number): pages.
  • Vitoria JC, Bilbao JR. Novedades en enfermedad celíaca. An Pediatr. 2013;78(1):1‐11

On-line journal article

  • Article authors, up to 6 authors et al. Article title. On-line journal abbreviation. Year: [consultation date]; Volume(number): pages. Available on: article URL.
  • Vitoria JC, Bilbao JR. Novedades en enfermedad celíaca. An Pediatr [Internet]. 2013 [cited 14 Feb 2013];78(1):1‐15. Available on:

Online monography or book

  • Author/authors. Title [Internet]. Volume. Edition. Publication place: Editorial: publication date [last update date; consultation date] Available on: URL.
  • Patrias K. Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers [Internet]. 2nd ed. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007 [uploaded 15 Sep 2011; cited 5 Apr 2013]. Available on:


  • Website [Internet]. Publication place: Editor; Starting date [last update date; last consultation date] Available on: URL.
  • Net [Internet]. Paris: Orphanet; 2000 [updated14 Feb 2013; cited 4 Apr 2013]. Available on:‐bin/index.php?lng=ES.


  • Author/es. Title [thesis online]. Publication place: University name; publication date [last consultation date]. Available on: URL.
  • Fernández Cadena RB, González Acosta PC. Factores de riesgo familiares en el consumo de drogas de adolescentes en una comunidad [thesis online]. Santiago: Universidad Central; 2015 [citado 15 Abr 2019]. Available on:


The article submissions can be carried out through REE official website available on: To initiate the process, the author must be registered as a user. Then, after choosing the submissions option, the author must complete the inherent fields related to the characteristics of the articles.