ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
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11. Casner MEP, Cortez LDCG, Ferrada JLM, Subiabre NER. Estudio descriptivo de patrones de
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26. Díaz-Camargo E, Medina L, Chaparro-Suarez Y, Alfaro L, Numa-Sanjuan N, Riaño-Garzón
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ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
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ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
1. García-Pardo A. El equilibrio emocional como proceso en la recuperación de los trastornos de
personalidad y adicciones. Quad. psicol. [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; 24(1):1-20. Available
2. Ortiz MT, Padilla MA, Padilla E. Diseño de intervención en funcionamiento familiar. Psicol.
Am. Lat. [Internet]. 2005 Feb [cited 2024 Jul 14];(3):1-8. Available on:
3. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024 ];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
4. Zambrano-Moreira JA, Mayo-Parra I. Efectos del funcionamiento familiar en la adolescencia:
una revisión sistemática. MQRInvestigar [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Jul 2024];6(4):3-23. Available
5. Sáenz I, Medici S. La relación afectiva y vincular de los adictos con la familia en la infancia y
la adolescencia [disertación]. [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Universidad Abierta Interamericana;
2010. 101 p.
6. Santos DA, Guijarro, CA, Cañas M, Cando RI. Patrones clínicos de personalidad y deterioro
cognitivo en pacientes con cefalea. Anat. dig. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];6(4.3):454-467.
Available on:
7. Pedrero EJ, Puerta C, Lagares A, Sáez A. Prevalencia e intensidad de trastornos de personalidad
en adictos a sustancias en tratamiento en un centro de atención a las drogodependencias. Trastor.
adict. [Internet]. 2003 Jul [cited 14 Jul 2024];5(3):241-255. Available on:
8. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 Ene [cited 14 Jul 2024];
18(1):119-129. Available on:
9. Verheul R, van den Bosch LMC, Ball SA. Substance abuse. En: Oldham J, Skodol AE, Bender
DS, editores. Essential of personality disorders. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing
Inc.; 2009. p. 361-380.
10. Roncero C, Daigre C, Grau-López L, Rodríguez-Cintas L, Barral C, Pérez-Pazos J, Gonzalvo B,
Corominas M, Casas M. Cocaine-induced psychosis and impulsivity in cocaine-dependent
patients. J Addict Dis. [Internet]. 2013 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(3):263-73. Available on:
11. Casner MEP, Cortez LDCG, Ferrada JLM, Subiabre NER. Estudio descriptivo de patrones de
personalidad en víctimas de delitos sexuales, a través del Inventario Clínico para Adolescentes
de Millon (MACI). VIII Revista de Investigación Forense. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024].
8 (1) 13-20. Available on:
12. Tuya GI. Abuso sexual contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Lima, Perú: una aproximación
general a los patrones de personalidad, características sociodemográficas y el riesgo de violencia
de los perpetradores. Rev. crim. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];65(1):151-169. Available on:
13. Delgado AB, Medina TA, Ramírez SD, Mosquera ÁA, Urrego AC. Factores psicosociales
predisponentes en el desarrollo del trastorno de personalidad antisocial: una revisión de la literatura
[disertación]. [Bogotá, Colombia]: Universidad El Bosque; 2022. 51 p.
14. Andrés V, Cuadra L, Sánchez C, Urcelay I. Los trastornos de personalidad y la adicción a sustancias.
Psicol. adiccion. [Internet]. 2012 [cited 14 Jul 2024];1:12-17. Available on:
15. Ramos JM, Sánchez A, Doll A. Personalidad, afecto y estilo de afrontamiento: interacciones en
trastorno de personalidad grave. Psicol. conduct. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024];29(3):
699-719. Available on:
16. Martínez M. Psicopatología y “teoría de las relaciones objetales”. Rev. cienc. soc. [Internet].
2014 [cited 14 Jul 2024];(11):147-158. Available on:
17. Millon D, Millon C, Cardenal V, Sánchez M. MCMI-III: inventario Clínico Multiaxial de
Millon-III: manual. Madrid: Pearson; 2011.
18. Cordero KM, Nuñez AM. Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de funcionalidad familiar
FF-SIL en adolescentes. Prometeo conoc. cient. [Internet]. 2024 [cited 14 Jul 2024];4(1):1-12.
Available on:
19. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024];18(1):
119-129. Available on:
20. Santos-de Pascual A, Saura-Garre P, López-Soler C. Salud mental en personas con trastorno
por consumo de sustancias: aspectos diferenciales entre hombres y mujeres. Anal. Psicol.
[Internet]. 2020 Dic [cited 14 Jul 2024];36(3):443-450. Available on:
21. Rodríguez-Sáez JL, Salgado-Ruiz A. (2019). Perfil psicopatológico y delictivo en pacientes
drogodependientes en tratamiento. Rev. psicopatología psicol. clin. [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14
Jul 2024];24(3):141-151. Available on:
22. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
23. Cócola, F. Funcionamiento familiar y abordaje de los trastornos por el uso de sustancias: una
revisión sistémica y una necesidad de actualización. Redes, 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; (38),
47-64. Available on:
24. Wolf AC, Caovilla JD, Costa CB, Mosmann CP. Use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents:
associations with emotional and behavioral problems and family functioning. Psicol. clín.
[Internet]. 2020 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(2):315-334. Available on:
25. Peñaherrera-Vélez, Dávila, Y. M. J., Moscoso, D., Vélez-Calvo, X., & Seade, C. Estilos de
personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad
privada en Ecuador. Ateneo, 2018[cited 14 Jul 2024]; 20(2), 132-148. Available on:
26. Díaz-Camargo E, Medina L, Chaparro-Suarez Y, Alfaro L, Numa-Sanjuan N, Riaño-Garzón
M. Personality styles and parenting practices. AVFT [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];38(5):
469-479. Available on:
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
1. García-Pardo A. El equilibrio emocional como proceso en la recuperación de los trastornos de
personalidad y adicciones. Quad. psicol. [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; 24(1):1-20. Available
2. Ortiz MT, Padilla MA, Padilla E. Diseño de intervención en funcionamiento familiar. Psicol.
Am. Lat. [Internet]. 2005 Feb [cited 2024 Jul 14];(3):1-8. Available on:
3. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024 ];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
4. Zambrano-Moreira JA, Mayo-Parra I. Efectos del funcionamiento familiar en la adolescencia:
una revisión sistemática. MQRInvestigar [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Jul 2024];6(4):3-23. Available
5. Sáenz I, Medici S. La relación afectiva y vincular de los adictos con la familia en la infancia y
la adolescencia [disertación]. [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Universidad Abierta Interamericana;
2010. 101 p.
6. Santos DA, Guijarro, CA, Cañas M, Cando RI. Patrones clínicos de personalidad y deterioro
cognitivo en pacientes con cefalea. Anat. dig. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];6(4.3):454-467.
Available on:
7. Pedrero EJ, Puerta C, Lagares A, Sáez A. Prevalencia e intensidad de trastornos de personalidad
en adictos a sustancias en tratamiento en un centro de atención a las drogodependencias. Trastor.
adict. [Internet]. 2003 Jul [cited 14 Jul 2024];5(3):241-255. Available on:
8. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 Ene [cited 14 Jul 2024];
18(1):119-129. Available on:
9. Verheul R, van den Bosch LMC, Ball SA. Substance abuse. En: Oldham J, Skodol AE, Bender
DS, editores. Essential of personality disorders. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing
Inc.; 2009. p. 361-380.
10. Roncero C, Daigre C, Grau-López L, Rodríguez-Cintas L, Barral C, Pérez-Pazos J, Gonzalvo B,
Corominas M, Casas M. Cocaine-induced psychosis and impulsivity in cocaine-dependent
patients. J Addict Dis. [Internet]. 2013 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(3):263-73. Available on:
11. Casner MEP, Cortez LDCG, Ferrada JLM, Subiabre NER. Estudio descriptivo de patrones de
personalidad en víctimas de delitos sexuales, a través del Inventario Clínico para Adolescentes
de Millon (MACI). VIII Revista de Investigación Forense. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024].
8 (1) 13-20. Available on:
12. Tuya GI. Abuso sexual contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Lima, Perú: una aproximación
general a los patrones de personalidad, características sociodemográficas y el riesgo de violencia
de los perpetradores. Rev. crim. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];65(1):151-169. Available on:
13. Delgado AB, Medina TA, Ramírez SD, Mosquera ÁA, Urrego AC. Factores psicosociales
predisponentes en el desarrollo del trastorno de personalidad antisocial: una revisión de la literatura
[disertación]. [Bogotá, Colombia]: Universidad El Bosque; 2022. 51 p.
14. Andrés V, Cuadra L, Sánchez C, Urcelay I. Los trastornos de personalidad y la adicción a sustancias.
Psicol. adiccion. [Internet]. 2012 [cited 14 Jul 2024];1:12-17. Available on:
15. Ramos JM, Sánchez A, Doll A. Personalidad, afecto y estilo de afrontamiento: interacciones en
trastorno de personalidad grave. Psicol. conduct. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024];29(3):
699-719. Available on:
16. Martínez M. Psicopatología y “teoría de las relaciones objetales”. Rev. cienc. soc. [Internet].
2014 [cited 14 Jul 2024];(11):147-158. Available on:
17. Millon D, Millon C, Cardenal V, Sánchez M. MCMI-III: inventario Clínico Multiaxial de
Millon-III: manual. Madrid: Pearson; 2011.
18. Cordero KM, Nuñez AM. Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de funcionalidad familiar
FF-SIL en adolescentes. Prometeo conoc. cient. [Internet]. 2024 [cited 14 Jul 2024];4(1):1-12.
Available on:
19. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024];18(1):
119-129. Available on:
20. Santos-de Pascual A, Saura-Garre P, López-Soler C. Salud mental en personas con trastorno
por consumo de sustancias: aspectos diferenciales entre hombres y mujeres. Anal. Psicol.
[Internet]. 2020 Dic [cited 14 Jul 2024];36(3):443-450. Available on:
21. Rodríguez-Sáez JL, Salgado-Ruiz A. (2019). Perfil psicopatológico y delictivo en pacientes
drogodependientes en tratamiento. Rev. psicopatología psicol. clin. [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14
Jul 2024];24(3):141-151. Available on:
22. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
23. Cócola, F. Funcionamiento familiar y abordaje de los trastornos por el uso de sustancias: una
revisión sistémica y una necesidad de actualización. Redes, 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; (38),
47-64. Available on:
24. Wolf AC, Caovilla JD, Costa CB, Mosmann CP. Use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents:
associations with emotional and behavioral problems and family functioning. Psicol. clín.
[Internet]. 2020 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(2):315-334. Available on:
25. Peñaherrera-Vélez, Dávila, Y. M. J., Moscoso, D., Vélez-Calvo, X., & Seade, C. Estilos de
personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad
privada en Ecuador. Ateneo, 2018[cited 14 Jul 2024]; 20(2), 132-148. Available on:
26. Díaz-Camargo E, Medina L, Chaparro-Suarez Y, Alfaro L, Numa-Sanjuan N, Riaño-Garzón
M. Personality styles and parenting practices. AVFT [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];38(5):
469-479. Available on:
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
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10. Roncero C, Daigre C, Grau-López L, Rodríguez-Cintas L, Barral C, Pérez-Pazos J, Gonzalvo B,
Corominas M, Casas M. Cocaine-induced psychosis and impulsivity in cocaine-dependent
patients. J Addict Dis. [Internet]. 2013 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(3):263-73. Available on:
11. Casner MEP, Cortez LDCG, Ferrada JLM, Subiabre NER. Estudio descriptivo de patrones de
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de Millon (MACI). VIII Revista de Investigación Forense. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024].
8 (1) 13-20. Available on:
12. Tuya GI. Abuso sexual contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Lima, Perú: una aproximación
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de los perpetradores. Rev. crim. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];65(1):151-169. Available on:
13. Delgado AB, Medina TA, Ramírez SD, Mosquera ÁA, Urrego AC. Factores psicosociales
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[disertación]. [Bogotá, Colombia]: Universidad El Bosque; 2022. 51 p.
14. Andrés V, Cuadra L, Sánchez C, Urcelay I. Los trastornos de personalidad y la adicción a sustancias.
Psicol. adiccion. [Internet]. 2012 [cited 14 Jul 2024];1:12-17. Available on:
15. Ramos JM, Sánchez A, Doll A. Personalidad, afecto y estilo de afrontamiento: interacciones en
trastorno de personalidad grave. Psicol. conduct. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024];29(3):
699-719. Available on:
16. Martínez M. Psicopatología y “teoría de las relaciones objetales”. Rev. cienc. soc. [Internet].
2014 [cited 14 Jul 2024];(11):147-158. Available on:
17. Millon D, Millon C, Cardenal V, Sánchez M. MCMI-III: inventario Clínico Multiaxial de
Millon-III: manual. Madrid: Pearson; 2011.
18. Cordero KM, Nuñez AM. Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de funcionalidad familiar
FF-SIL en adolescentes. Prometeo conoc. cient. [Internet]. 2024 [cited 14 Jul 2024];4(1):1-12.
Available on:
19. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024];18(1):
119-129. Available on:
20. Santos-de Pascual A, Saura-Garre P, López-Soler C. Salud mental en personas con trastorno
por consumo de sustancias: aspectos diferenciales entre hombres y mujeres. Anal. Psicol.
[Internet]. 2020 Dic [cited 14 Jul 2024];36(3):443-450. Available on:
21. Rodríguez-Sáez JL, Salgado-Ruiz A. (2019). Perfil psicopatológico y delictivo en pacientes
drogodependientes en tratamiento. Rev. psicopatología psicol. clin. [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14
Jul 2024];24(3):141-151. Available on:
22. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
23. Cócola, F. Funcionamiento familiar y abordaje de los trastornos por el uso de sustancias: una
revisión sistémica y una necesidad de actualización. Redes, 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; (38),
47-64. Available on:
24. Wolf AC, Caovilla JD, Costa CB, Mosmann CP. Use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents:
associations with emotional and behavioral problems and family functioning. Psicol. clín.
[Internet]. 2020 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(2):315-334. Available on:
25. Peñaherrera-Vélez, Dávila, Y. M. J., Moscoso, D., Vélez-Calvo, X., & Seade, C. Estilos de
personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad
privada en Ecuador. Ateneo, 2018[cited 14 Jul 2024]; 20(2), 132-148. Available on:
26. Díaz-Camargo E, Medina L, Chaparro-Suarez Y, Alfaro L, Numa-Sanjuan N, Riaño-Garzón
M. Personality styles and parenting practices. AVFT [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];38(5):
469-479. Available on:
Variable Category
Total sample
(N = 70)
Statistical p
32.00 ± 11.15
Marital status
42.9 % (30)
Chi² = 24,800
51.4 % (36)
5.7 % (4)
Educational level
Elementary School
2.9 % (2)
Chi² = 30.029
High School
44.3 % (31)
52.9 % (37)
92.9 % (65)
Chi² = 111.629
2.9 % (2)
4.3 % (3)
Place of residence
20.0 % (14)
Chi² = 82.229
32.9 % (23)
1.4 % (1)
2.9 % (2)
10.0 % (7)
10.0 % (7)
8.6 % (6)
4.3 % (3)
4.3 % (3)
1.4 % (1)
2.9 % (2)
1.4 % (1)
Substances of consumption
38.6 % (27)
Chi² = 13.429
15.7 % (11)
12.9 % (9)
Multiple substances
32.9 % (23)
Note: NS= Not significant (P>0.05), ** Significant at 1% (P<0.01)
Abbreviation: P= p- value , Estud = Studies
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
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11. Casner MEP, Cortez LDCG, Ferrada JLM, Subiabre NER. Estudio descriptivo de patrones de
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19. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
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24. Wolf AC, Caovilla JD, Costa CB, Mosmann CP. Use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents:
associations with emotional and behavioral problems and family functioning. Psicol. clín.
[Internet]. 2020 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(2):315-334. Available on:
25. Peñaherrera-Vélez, Dávila, Y. M. J., Moscoso, D., Vélez-Calvo, X., & Seade, C. Estilos de
personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad
privada en Ecuador. Ateneo, 2018[cited 14 Jul 2024]; 20(2), 132-148. Available on:
26. Díaz-Camargo E, Medina L, Chaparro-Suarez Y, Alfaro L, Numa-Sanjuan N, Riaño-Garzón
M. Personality styles and parenting practices. AVFT [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];38(5):
469-479. Available on:
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
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Substances of
Personality patterns f % p-value
Negativist (Passive-Aggressive)
1 9.1
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
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Substances of
Type of family
functioning f % p-value
Functional family
Moderately functional
family 12 44.4
Dysfunctional family
Severely dysfunctional
family 1 3.7
Functional family
Moderately functional
family 5 45.5
Dysfunctional family
Moderately functional
family 2 22.2
Dysfunctional family
Severely dysfunctional
family 1 11.1
Functional family
Moderately functional
family 8 34.8
Dysfunctional family
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
1. García-Pardo A. El equilibrio emocional como proceso en la recuperación de los trastornos de
personalidad y adicciones. Quad. psicol. [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; 24(1):1-20. Available
2. Ortiz MT, Padilla MA, Padilla E. Diseño de intervención en funcionamiento familiar. Psicol.
Am. Lat. [Internet]. 2005 Feb [cited 2024 Jul 14];(3):1-8. Available on:
3. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024 ];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
4. Zambrano-Moreira JA, Mayo-Parra I. Efectos del funcionamiento familiar en la adolescencia:
una revisión sistemática. MQRInvestigar [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Jul 2024];6(4):3-23. Available
5. Sáenz I, Medici S. La relación afectiva y vincular de los adictos con la familia en la infancia y
la adolescencia [disertación]. [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Universidad Abierta Interamericana;
2010. 101 p.
6. Santos DA, Guijarro, CA, Cañas M, Cando RI. Patrones clínicos de personalidad y deterioro
cognitivo en pacientes con cefalea. Anat. dig. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];6(4.3):454-467.
Available on:
7. Pedrero EJ, Puerta C, Lagares A, Sáez A. Prevalencia e intensidad de trastornos de personalidad
en adictos a sustancias en tratamiento en un centro de atención a las drogodependencias. Trastor.
adict. [Internet]. 2003 Jul [cited 14 Jul 2024];5(3):241-255. Available on:
8. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 Ene [cited 14 Jul 2024];
18(1):119-129. Available on:
9. Verheul R, van den Bosch LMC, Ball SA. Substance abuse. En: Oldham J, Skodol AE, Bender
DS, editores. Essential of personality disorders. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing
Inc.; 2009. p. 361-380.
10. Roncero C, Daigre C, Grau-López L, Rodríguez-Cintas L, Barral C, Pérez-Pazos J, Gonzalvo B,
Corominas M, Casas M. Cocaine-induced psychosis and impulsivity in cocaine-dependent
patients. J Addict Dis. [Internet]. 2013 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(3):263-73. Available on:
11. Casner MEP, Cortez LDCG, Ferrada JLM, Subiabre NER. Estudio descriptivo de patrones de
personalidad en víctimas de delitos sexuales, a través del Inventario Clínico para Adolescentes
de Millon (MACI). VIII Revista de Investigación Forense. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024].
8 (1) 13-20. Available on:
12. Tuya GI. Abuso sexual contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Lima, Perú: una aproximación
general a los patrones de personalidad, características sociodemográficas y el riesgo de violencia
de los perpetradores. Rev. crim. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];65(1):151-169. Available on:
13. Delgado AB, Medina TA, Ramírez SD, Mosquera ÁA, Urrego AC. Factores psicosociales
predisponentes en el desarrollo del trastorno de personalidad antisocial: una revisión de la literatura
[disertación]. [Bogotá, Colombia]: Universidad El Bosque; 2022. 51 p.
14. Andrés V, Cuadra L, Sánchez C, Urcelay I. Los trastornos de personalidad y la adicción a sustancias.
Psicol. adiccion. [Internet]. 2012 [cited 14 Jul 2024];1:12-17. Available on:
15. Ramos JM, Sánchez A, Doll A. Personalidad, afecto y estilo de afrontamiento: interacciones en
trastorno de personalidad grave. Psicol. conduct. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024];29(3):
699-719. Available on:
16. Martínez M. Psicopatología y “teoría de las relaciones objetales”. Rev. cienc. soc. [Internet].
2014 [cited 14 Jul 2024];(11):147-158. Available on:
17. Millon D, Millon C, Cardenal V, Sánchez M. MCMI-III: inventario Clínico Multiaxial de
Millon-III: manual. Madrid: Pearson; 2011.
18. Cordero KM, Nuñez AM. Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de funcionalidad familiar
FF-SIL en adolescentes. Prometeo conoc. cient. [Internet]. 2024 [cited 14 Jul 2024];4(1):1-12.
Available on:
19. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024];18(1):
119-129. Available on:
20. Santos-de Pascual A, Saura-Garre P, López-Soler C. Salud mental en personas con trastorno
por consumo de sustancias: aspectos diferenciales entre hombres y mujeres. Anal. Psicol.
[Internet]. 2020 Dic [cited 14 Jul 2024];36(3):443-450. Available on:
21. Rodríguez-Sáez JL, Salgado-Ruiz A. (2019). Perfil psicopatológico y delictivo en pacientes
drogodependientes en tratamiento. Rev. psicopatología psicol. clin. [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14
Jul 2024];24(3):141-151. Available on:
22. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
23. Cócola, F. Funcionamiento familiar y abordaje de los trastornos por el uso de sustancias: una
revisión sistémica y una necesidad de actualización. Redes, 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; (38),
47-64. Available on:
24. Wolf AC, Caovilla JD, Costa CB, Mosmann CP. Use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents:
associations with emotional and behavioral problems and family functioning. Psicol. clín.
[Internet]. 2020 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(2):315-334. Available on:
25. Peñaherrera-Vélez, Dávila, Y. M. J., Moscoso, D., Vélez-Calvo, X., & Seade, C. Estilos de
personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad
privada en Ecuador. Ateneo, 2018[cited 14 Jul 2024]; 20(2), 132-148. Available on:
26. Díaz-Camargo E, Medina L, Chaparro-Suarez Y, Alfaro L, Numa-Sanjuan N, Riaño-Garzón
M. Personality styles and parenting practices. AVFT [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];38(5):
469-479. Available on:
Clinical personality patterns/
Family functioning Spearman's Rho p-value
Schizoid clinical pattern
Avoidant clinical pattern
-0.251 *
Depressive clinical pattern
Dependent clinical pattern
Histrionic clinical pattern
Narcissistic clinical pattern
Antisocial clinical pattern
Aggressive-sadistic clinical pattern
Compulsive clinical pattern
Negativistic clinical pattern
Self-destructive clinical pattern
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
1. García-Pardo A. El equilibrio emocional como proceso en la recuperación de los trastornos de
personalidad y adicciones. Quad. psicol. [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; 24(1):1-20. Available
2. Ortiz MT, Padilla MA, Padilla E. Diseño de intervención en funcionamiento familiar. Psicol.
Am. Lat. [Internet]. 2005 Feb [cited 2024 Jul 14];(3):1-8. Available on:
3. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024 ];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
4. Zambrano-Moreira JA, Mayo-Parra I. Efectos del funcionamiento familiar en la adolescencia:
una revisión sistemática. MQRInvestigar [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Jul 2024];6(4):3-23. Available
5. Sáenz I, Medici S. La relación afectiva y vincular de los adictos con la familia en la infancia y
la adolescencia [disertación]. [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Universidad Abierta Interamericana;
2010. 101 p.
6. Santos DA, Guijarro, CA, Cañas M, Cando RI. Patrones clínicos de personalidad y deterioro
cognitivo en pacientes con cefalea. Anat. dig. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];6(4.3):454-467.
Available on:
7. Pedrero EJ, Puerta C, Lagares A, Sáez A. Prevalencia e intensidad de trastornos de personalidad
en adictos a sustancias en tratamiento en un centro de atención a las drogodependencias. Trastor.
adict. [Internet]. 2003 Jul [cited 14 Jul 2024];5(3):241-255. Available on:
8. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 Ene [cited 14 Jul 2024];
18(1):119-129. Available on:
9. Verheul R, van den Bosch LMC, Ball SA. Substance abuse. En: Oldham J, Skodol AE, Bender
DS, editores. Essential of personality disorders. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing
Inc.; 2009. p. 361-380.
10. Roncero C, Daigre C, Grau-López L, Rodríguez-Cintas L, Barral C, Pérez-Pazos J, Gonzalvo B,
Corominas M, Casas M. Cocaine-induced psychosis and impulsivity in cocaine-dependent
patients. J Addict Dis. [Internet]. 2013 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(3):263-73. Available on:
11. Casner MEP, Cortez LDCG, Ferrada JLM, Subiabre NER. Estudio descriptivo de patrones de
personalidad en víctimas de delitos sexuales, a través del Inventario Clínico para Adolescentes
de Millon (MACI). VIII Revista de Investigación Forense. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024].
8 (1) 13-20. Available on:
12. Tuya GI. Abuso sexual contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Lima, Perú: una aproximación
general a los patrones de personalidad, características sociodemográficas y el riesgo de violencia
de los perpetradores. Rev. crim. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];65(1):151-169. Available on:
13. Delgado AB, Medina TA, Ramírez SD, Mosquera ÁA, Urrego AC. Factores psicosociales
predisponentes en el desarrollo del trastorno de personalidad antisocial: una revisión de la literatura
[disertación]. [Bogotá, Colombia]: Universidad El Bosque; 2022. 51 p.
14. Andrés V, Cuadra L, Sánchez C, Urcelay I. Los trastornos de personalidad y la adicción a sustancias.
Psicol. adiccion. [Internet]. 2012 [cited 14 Jul 2024];1:12-17. Available on:
15. Ramos JM, Sánchez A, Doll A. Personalidad, afecto y estilo de afrontamiento: interacciones en
trastorno de personalidad grave. Psicol. conduct. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024];29(3):
699-719. Available on:
16. Martínez M. Psicopatología y “teoría de las relaciones objetales”. Rev. cienc. soc. [Internet].
2014 [cited 14 Jul 2024];(11):147-158. Available on:
17. Millon D, Millon C, Cardenal V, Sánchez M. MCMI-III: inventario Clínico Multiaxial de
Millon-III: manual. Madrid: Pearson; 2011.
18. Cordero KM, Nuñez AM. Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de funcionalidad familiar
FF-SIL en adolescentes. Prometeo conoc. cient. [Internet]. 2024 [cited 14 Jul 2024];4(1):1-12.
Available on:
19. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024];18(1):
119-129. Available on:
20. Santos-de Pascual A, Saura-Garre P, López-Soler C. Salud mental en personas con trastorno
por consumo de sustancias: aspectos diferenciales entre hombres y mujeres. Anal. Psicol.
[Internet]. 2020 Dic [cited 14 Jul 2024];36(3):443-450. Available on:
21. Rodríguez-Sáez JL, Salgado-Ruiz A. (2019). Perfil psicopatológico y delictivo en pacientes
drogodependientes en tratamiento. Rev. psicopatología psicol. clin. [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14
Jul 2024];24(3):141-151. Available on:
22. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
23. Cócola, F. Funcionamiento familiar y abordaje de los trastornos por el uso de sustancias: una
revisión sistémica y una necesidad de actualización. Redes, 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; (38),
47-64. Available on:
24. Wolf AC, Caovilla JD, Costa CB, Mosmann CP. Use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents:
associations with emotional and behavioral problems and family functioning. Psicol. clín.
[Internet]. 2020 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(2):315-334. Available on:
25. Peñaherrera-Vélez, Dávila, Y. M. J., Moscoso, D., Vélez-Calvo, X., & Seade, C. Estilos de
personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad
privada en Ecuador. Ateneo, 2018[cited 14 Jul 2024]; 20(2), 132-148. Available on:
26. Díaz-Camargo E, Medina L, Chaparro-Suarez Y, Alfaro L, Numa-Sanjuan N, Riaño-Garzón
M. Personality styles and parenting practices. AVFT [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];38(5):
469-479. Available on:
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
1. García-Pardo A. El equilibrio emocional como proceso en la recuperación de los trastornos de
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3. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024 ];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
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7. Pedrero EJ, Puerta C, Lagares A, Sáez A. Prevalencia e intensidad de trastornos de personalidad
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8. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
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18(1):119-129. Available on:
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10. Roncero C, Daigre C, Grau-López L, Rodríguez-Cintas L, Barral C, Pérez-Pazos J, Gonzalvo B,
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patients. J Addict Dis. [Internet]. 2013 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(3):263-73. Available on:
11. Casner MEP, Cortez LDCG, Ferrada JLM, Subiabre NER. Estudio descriptivo de patrones de
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de Millon (MACI). VIII Revista de Investigación Forense. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024].
8 (1) 13-20. Available on:
12. Tuya GI. Abuso sexual contra niños, niñas y adolescentes en Lima, Perú: una aproximación
general a los patrones de personalidad, características sociodemográficas y el riesgo de violencia
de los perpetradores. Rev. crim. [Internet]. 2023 [cited 14 Jul 2024];65(1):151-169. Available on:
13. Delgado AB, Medina TA, Ramírez SD, Mosquera ÁA, Urrego AC. Factores psicosociales
predisponentes en el desarrollo del trastorno de personalidad antisocial: una revisión de la literatura
[disertación]. [Bogotá, Colombia]: Universidad El Bosque; 2022. 51 p.
14. Andrés V, Cuadra L, Sánchez C, Urcelay I. Los trastornos de personalidad y la adicción a sustancias.
Psicol. adiccion. [Internet]. 2012 [cited 14 Jul 2024];1:12-17. Available on:
15. Ramos JM, Sánchez A, Doll A. Personalidad, afecto y estilo de afrontamiento: interacciones en
trastorno de personalidad grave. Psicol. conduct. [Internet]. 2021 [cited 14 Jul 2024];29(3):
699-719. Available on:
16. Martínez M. Psicopatología y “teoría de las relaciones objetales”. Rev. cienc. soc. [Internet].
2014 [cited 14 Jul 2024];(11):147-158. Available on:
17. Millon D, Millon C, Cardenal V, Sánchez M. MCMI-III: inventario Clínico Multiaxial de
Millon-III: manual. Madrid: Pearson; 2011.
18. Cordero KM, Nuñez AM. Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de funcionalidad familiar
FF-SIL en adolescentes. Prometeo conoc. cient. [Internet]. 2024 [cited 14 Jul 2024];4(1):1-12.
Available on:
19. Rodríguez JL, Salgado A. Patrones de personalidad y otros trastornos psicopatológicos asociados
en drogodependientes en tratamiento. Salud Drogas [Internet]. 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024];18(1):
119-129. Available on:
20. Santos-de Pascual A, Saura-Garre P, López-Soler C. Salud mental en personas con trastorno
por consumo de sustancias: aspectos diferenciales entre hombres y mujeres. Anal. Psicol.
[Internet]. 2020 Dic [cited 14 Jul 2024];36(3):443-450. Available on:
21. Rodríguez-Sáez JL, Salgado-Ruiz A. (2019). Perfil psicopatológico y delictivo en pacientes
drogodependientes en tratamiento. Rev. psicopatología psicol. clin. [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14
Jul 2024];24(3):141-151. Available on:
22. Castaño JJ, Páez ML. Funcionalidad familiar y tendencias adictivas a internet y a sustancias
psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios. psicol. caribe [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];
36(2):177-206. Available on:
23. Cócola, F. Funcionamiento familiar y abordaje de los trastornos por el uso de sustancias: una
revisión sistémica y una necesidad de actualización. Redes, 2018 [cited 14 Jul 2024]; (38),
47-64. Available on:
24. Wolf AC, Caovilla JD, Costa CB, Mosmann CP. Use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents:
associations with emotional and behavioral problems and family functioning. Psicol. clín.
[Internet]. 2020 [cited 14 Jul 2024];32(2):315-334. Available on:
25. Peñaherrera-Vélez, Dávila, Y. M. J., Moscoso, D., Vélez-Calvo, X., & Seade, C. Estilos de
personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad
privada en Ecuador. Ateneo, 2018[cited 14 Jul 2024]; 20(2), 132-148. Available on:
26. Díaz-Camargo E, Medina L, Chaparro-Suarez Y, Alfaro L, Numa-Sanjuan N, Riaño-Garzón
M. Personality styles and parenting practices. AVFT [Internet]. 2019 [cited 14 Jul 2024];38(5):
469-479. Available on:
Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
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Clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in drug addicts
Patrones clínicos de personalidad y funcionamiento familiar en drogodependientes
Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco1
Diego Armando Santos Pazos1
1National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba - Ecuador
Corresponding author: Genesis Daniela Guijarro Orozco. National University of Chimborazo.
Postal address: Ave. Antonio Jose de Sucre, Km 1 ½, Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador. E-mail: Phone: +593986340153.
Reibido: 6 de julio de 2024 Aprobado: 5 de diciembre de 2024
Personality patterns and family functioning can enhance or mitigate the development of addictive
behaviors, a psychosocial problem that affects vulnerable groups worldwide. This research aimed to
establish the relationship between clinical personality patterns and family functioning according to
the substance consumed in a population of drug-dependent patients admitted to rehabilitation centers
in Zone 3, Ecuador. Its design was a non-experimental, transversal, and correlational type. The data
were obtained through the documentary analysis technique from the review of medical records recor-
ded by the institute's professionals, in which psychometric instruments were applied for psychologi-
cal evaluation: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) and the Family Functioning Ques-
tionnaire (FF-SIL). The avoidant, antisocial, and depressive clinical patterns predominated among
the different substances consumed. The dysfunctional family was highlighted in users of alcohol
(44.4%), marijuana (45.5%), cocaine (63.7%), and multiple substances (60.9%). No statistically
significant differences were found between the study variables concerning the consumption group.
The correlation between personality patterns and family functioning was statistically significant and
inversely proportional, with a moderate intensity between avoidance and functionality (-0.251). The-
refore, when personality patterns increased, family functioning tended to decrease.
Keywords: Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Drug Users, Substance Dependence, Personality.
Los patrones de personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar pueden potenciar o mitigar el desarrollo de
conductas adictivas, problemática psicosocial que afecta a grupos vulnerables a nivel mundial. La
presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, establecer la relación de los patrones clínicos de personalidad
y el funcionamiento familiar según la sustancia de consumo, en una población de pacientes drogo-
dependientes internados en centros de rehabilitación de la zona 3, Ecuador, su diseño fue no experimen-
tal de tipo transversal y correlacional. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la técnica de análisis documen-
tal, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas registradas por los profesionales del instituto, en las cuales
se aplicaron instrumentos psicométricos para la evaluación psicológica: Inventario clínico multiaxial
de Millon (MCMI-III) y el Cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL). Los patrones clínicos
evitativo, antisocial y depresivo predominaron entre las distintas sustancias consumidas. La familia
disfuncional se destacó en los consumidores de alcohol (44,4 %), marihuana (45,5 %), cocaína (63,7
%) y múltiples sustancias (60,9 %). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas
entre las variables de estudio con respecto al grupo de consumo. La correlación entre los patrones de
personalidad y el funcionamiento familiar resultó estadísticamente significativa e inversamente propor-
cional, con una intensidad moderada entre la evitación y la funcionalidad (-0,251), por lo tanto, cuando
los patrones de personalidad aumentaron el funcionamiento familiar tendió a disminuir.
Palabras clave: Centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, consumidores de drogas, dependencia
de sustancias, personalidad.
In the last decade, studies of clinical patterns of personality and family functioning in addicted
individuals have achieved a particular notability in medical sciences, both those derived from a
medical disposition and those from a psychological one. The research field addresses the complex
interaction between the personality characteristics of people with addiction and the patterns of
family interaction that influence the development, maintenance, and treatment of addictions. It
also includes the development of therapeutic strategies and intervention programs that address
both individual and contextual aspects of addiction.(1)
Accordingly, Ortiz et al.(2) define family functioning as the dynamic between members based on an
environment of harmony, cohesion, communication, affection, permeability, and adaptability. Family
functionality is also related to the human capacity to adapt to normative or relative changes in their life
cycle as a couple or family and to unexpected events that occur in daily life.(3)
Furthermore, family functioning depends on the formation perspective of each family, whether nuclear
or extended, since it may present the physical absence of one or both parents, generally related to
violence and parent-child conflicts. Likewise, the lack of authority to regulate the conduct of children
produces destabilization, which, together with the changes that children and adolescents go through,
can cause confusion and trigger addictions.(4)
Emotional neglect and lack of affection can also contribute to addiction; consequently, individuals
interact negatively with their families. Care and emotional bonding are key to emotional development
since, during childhood and adolescence, the psychic resources that provide humans with the security
and ability to make appropriate and practical decisions are acquired.(5)
In a complementary manner, personality is conceptualized as a psychological construction linked to
the cultural context of individuals and integrated by social norms, values, beliefs, customs, and
traditions that significantly influence the manifestation of their traits. Therefore, the clinical patterns
of personality are characterized by the exclusive construction in a personal and persevering manner
of the subject, where their vital areas intervene that condition the thought, perception, and the way of
interacting with others.(6) Pedrero et al.(7) describe personality as a complex pattern of deep-rooted
psychological characteristics, largely unconscious and difficult to change, as they are expressed
automatically or involuntarily in almost all areas of the functioning of each subject.
Most problematic situations that accompany consumption arise from dysfunctional patterns of
behavior. However, it is unknown whether personality is a triggering factor for drug consumption,
whether drug consumption leads to a pattern of maladaptive personalities, or whether each element is
independent.(8) Therefore, Verheul et al.(9) state that pathological personality traits contribute to and
predispose the development of a substance use disorder. In addition, the existence of a maladaptive
personality trait – such as, for example, impulsivity – is associated with a higher risk of addiction.
Likewise, the existence of high impulsivity is related to more significant psychopathological
complications in addicted patients.(10)
Likewise, the clinical personality patterns are composed of paranoid, schizoid, avoidant, depressive,
dependent, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic, compulsive, negativist, and
self-destructive; each one presents symptomatology and characteristic features that differentiate
Meanwhile, an antisocial personality disorder shows maladaptive behaviors according to social
norms; the subjects are usually impulsive and are found more prominently in the male sex.(12) One of
its diagnostic criteria is connected with the realization of illegal activities, including drug use.(13) In
particular, anxious personality disorder produces tension, fear, and inferiority. It can alter the stability
and organization of the person so that by denying reality, it would largely explain drug-dependent
behavior and some addictions.(14)
People with personality disorders show frequent consumption of illegal substances and alcohol, are
more compulsive, and generally use them to manage their mood and increase their functioning. They
also present more significant psychopathological problems, impulsivity, isolation, and less satisfaction
with their lives.(15)
Addictions can also be understood as a symptom generated by failures in the evolutionary development
of the intrapsychic world, as well as the inconsistencies presented in the relationship with the family
Consequently, the present research aimed to establish the relationship between clinical personality
patterns and family functioning and identify the levels of family functioning in addicted individuals.
The research was quantitative in approach, with correlational scope, and cross-sectional, since it
was based on the theoretical foundation and information was selected from the study of the general
population, made up of 70 clinical histories of patients addicted to substances, where the psychological
batteries that were previously applied by professionals from the specialized center for the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs (CETAD), belonging to the canton
of Puyo, province of Pastaza, are recorded.
Collecting data instruments
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III), developed by Theodore Millon, is an instrument
that presents a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, which shows its reliability, and which is made up of 175
items; its objective is to identify the pathologies, disorders, patterns and clinical syndromes that
measure 12 clinical patterns of personality (Schizoid, Avoidant, Melancholic, Dependent, Histrionic,
Stormy, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sadistic, Compulsive, Negativist, and Masochistic); 3 serious
personality pathologies (Schizotypal, Borderline, and Paranoid); 7 clinical syndromes (Generalized
Anxiety, Somatic Symptoms, Bipolar Spectrum, Persistent Depression, Alcohol Use, Substance Use,
and Post-Traumatic Stress); and three severe clinical syndromes (Schizophrenic Spectrum, Major
Depression and Delusional Disorder).(17)
- Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SIL), created by Ortega de la Cuesta, with a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.94, identifies problematic factors involved within the family nucleus, is made up of 14
items through which dimensions of family functioning such as cohesion, harmony, communication,
adaptability, affectivity, role, and permeability are assessed. It measures categories of functional
family (70 to 57), moderately functional (56 to 43), dysfunctional (42 to 28), and severely dysfunctional
(27 to 14 ). (18)
The data were taken from the medical records kept at the center specializing in the treatment of
people with problematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Once the permits issued by the center's director were obtained, the study subjects were selected,
which included all the clinical histories, and subjected to review to collect data relevant to the
research. These were organized in a Microsoft Excel database and analyzed using the Statistical
Program Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests
with nonparametric results. Descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency tables) and
inferential tests (Chi-Square test, Spearman's Rho, Kruskal Wallis H) were applied to verify the
relationship of variables and differences between groups.
Ethical requirements for the proper handling of documents depended on the standards governing the
profession, such as the confidentiality of the identity of participants and results respecting the princi-
ples of non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the sample
The mean age of the population is 32 years, with a standard deviation of 11.15 years, indicating
considerable dispersion in the ages of the participants. The t-statistic of 24.05 (p < 0.001) suggests
that this mean age significantly differs from zero, an expected result for age data.
Regarding marital status, we observed a non-uniform and statistically significant distribution across
categories (Chi² = 24.800, p < 0.001). The majority of the sample is married (51.4%), closely
followed by singles (42.9%), while divorced individuals represent a much smaller proportion (5.7%).
This distribution suggests a population mainly established in marital relationships, with an almost
equal proportion of single individuals, which could reflect a transitional stage in the lives of many
The educational level of the sample shows significant differences in distribution (Chi² = 30.029,
p < 0.001). Most participants have higher education (52.9%) or secondary education (44.3%), while
only a tiny fraction has only primary education ( 2.9%). This distribution indicates a generally high
educational level in the sample, which could have significant implications regarding access to
information, decision-making, and health-related behaviors.
In terms of ethnicity, we observed a clear predominance of mixed-race ones in the sample (92.9%),
with much smaller proportions of Afro-Ecuadorians (2.9%) and Indigenous people (4.3%). The high
chi-square value (111.629, p < 0.001) indicates that this distribution is highly significant and not
The distribution of places of residence shows significant variations (Chi² = 82.229, p < 0.001), with
Puyo (32.9%) and Riobamba (20.0%) as the most represented cities. Guayaquil and Tena each have
10% representation, while other cities have more petite proportions.
Regarding substance use, significant differences are observed between the categories (Chi² = 13.429,
p = 0.004). Alcohol is the most commonly consumed substance (38.6%), followed by the use of
multiple substances (32.9%). Marijuana (15.7%) and cocaine (12.9%) show lower but notable levels
of consumption. These results reflect complex consumption patterns where alcohol maintains a
predominant position; as well as the use of multiple substances represents a significant concern,
mainly due to the notable presence of marijuana and cocaine use. It is essential to consider how these
consumption patterns could relate to other sociodemographic variables indicated above.
Table 2. Clinical personality patterns according to the substance of consumption
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the descriptive analysis of the different clinical personality patterns based on the type of substance
consumed and the statistical differences by groups (as shown in Table 2), it was identified that the
avoidant and antisocial patterns were particularly prominent among individuals who consume
alcohol; in marijuana users, the depressive pattern stood out, cocaine was notably associated with
dependence; finally, in the context of multiple substance use, the dependent and antisocial patterns
were more frequently observed. It was observed that there are no differences between the groups
concerning personality patterns (p-value = > 0.05).
Table 3. Type of family functioning according to the substance consumed
Abbreviation: f: absolute frequency, %: percentage, p-value: statistical differences
In the analysis of the type of family functioning concerning the substance consumed by the
participants and the statistical differences by groups (Table 3), high and similar percentages were
evident between the moderately functional family and the dysfunctional family in the alcohol and
marijuana consumers. In contrast, only the dysfunctional family was manifested in those who
consumed cocaine and multiple substances. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is observed
with high frequency in comparison with the other substances. No significant differences in functionality
were evident between the consumption groups (p = > 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between clinical personality patterns and general family functioning
Note: * Statistically significant differences: p-value = < 0.05
Abbreviation: Spearman's rho, Spearman's correlation coefficient; p-value, value of statistical signi-
Regarding the correlation performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient between the variables
clinical personality patterns and family functioning (Table 4), a low inversely proportional correlation
was found between the avoidant clinical pattern and the general family functioning of the patients
(Rho= -0.251; p < 0.05); in addition, no other significant relationships were observed.
In the analysis concerning personality patterns according to substance use, it was identified that alcohol
consumers have high percentages in the avoidant and antisocial patterns, the latter and accompanied
by the depressive are representative of the use of marijuana and multiple substances, to finish the
dependent characteristic stands out in cocaine, in agreement with the study of Rodriguez and Salgado,(19)
where it shows that the personality pattern that stands out is the antisocial and avoidant. Likewise,
Santos-de Pascual and others(20) affirm the existence of a high prevalence of the antisocial pattern
(31%) in consumers at a general level. In contrast, Rodriguez-Saez and Salgado-Ruiz(21) showed that
ISSN-impreso 1390-7581
ISSN-digital 2661-6742
Volumen 19
Número 1
REE 19(1) Riobamba ene. - abr. 2025
narcissism was a pattern with a high level of frequency (41.93%) in the population of drug-dependent
Regarding family functioning and type of substance consumed, a significant predominance of participants
with moderately functional and dysfunctional families was identified concerning alcohol (the most
consumed drug), marijuana, cocaine, and multiple substances, data coinciding with those proposed by
Castaño and Páez (22) in Manizales, Colombia, where 38.7% of the sample focused on dysfunction, and
alcohol consumption was more representative with 80.3%. Similarly, Cócola (23) observed the presence
of dysfunctionality and disorganization of the family system associated with conflictual relationships
and frequent use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs with 59%. Another study carried out in
Brazil (24) reflected that 57.9% of the participants consumed alcohol and tobacco and presented significant
difficulties in parent-child relationships.
Finally, the study regarding the relationship between the variables verified a negative link between the
avoidant clinical pattern and family functioning. Since it is an inverse relationship, it is understood that
avoidance increases and functionality decreases or vice versa. Peñaherrera- Vélez(25) and others showed
data similar to those found in the present investigation since families with dysfunctional extremes
significantly influenced personality; in turn, personality styles were significantly related to family
In the same sense, Díaz-Camargo et al.(26) found inversely proportional relationships between avoidant
and depressive personality patterns concerning family functioning. It should be noted that, despite an
exhaustive search, limited documents were found that showed the relationship between the study variables
in the drug addict population.
The predominant personality patterns are avoidant, antisocial, depressive, and dependent. These are
found significantly in the different types of substances the patients consume. The family is considered a
fundamental pillar of society and plays a central role in forming the personality of its members; however,
when investigating the type of family functioning, most individuals live within dysfunctional families,
regardless of the type of substance they ingest. An inverse relationship was found between the clinical
personality pattern and family functioning, showing that family functioning decreases as personality
patterns increase.
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Contributions: Both researchers actively participated in the research of information, scientific writing,
data processing, results, discussion, and conclusions of the article.
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